DAPIN updates its Occupational Risk Prevention system

DAPIN updates its Occupational Risk Prevention system

As every year, Design and Projects International, C.A. has carried out a review of its Occupational Risk Prevention systems, in compliance with Prevention Law 31/1995 and its subsequent amendments, and in line with our principles of protection of the health and well-being of our employees.

To this end, this month we review our documentation on occupational risk assessment to plan the 2019-2020 annual preventive activity, and update the job risk information sheets.

Both the labor risk information sheets and the emergency measures in the work centers were distributed to all staff to guarantee the awareness and awareness of our employees regarding the forms of action and habits that they must develop or maintain, to prevent potential negative effects on your health as a result of the daily performance of your work activities.

Through this action, together with regular monitoring of the health of our workers and training actions in the area of ​​PRL, DAPIN ensures to provide the most suitable conditions for the performance of the work of its employees, laying the foundations to protect quality of life of our people inside and outside our offices.

To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es

DAPIN issues its Annual Progress Report on the Global Compact

DAPIN issues its Annual Progress Report on the Global Compact

This year DAPIN celebrates 6 consecutive years as an active signatory member of the Global Compact (PM), the largest global network of companies and organizations oriented to corporate social responsibility that seek to harmonize and channel their management in pursuit of the 17 Development Goals. Sustainable (ODS). Throughout these years of working with the PM team, we have incorporated into our management the preparation of an Annual Progress Report, where we highlight our policies and progress in the area of ​​human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. Although we have always been aware of the role that companies play within society, this experience with the PM has allowed us to have a methodology to formalize our Corporate Social Responsibility policies, as well as to measure and communicate the progress of our performance and contribution to common goals as members of a collective. The methodology for preparing the Progress Report is based on the reporting methodology by stakeholders. Through a multi-stakeholder approach, which encompasses our clients, employees, suppliers, shareholders, management and the community, DAPIN has identified the expectations and potential effects that each group may have as a result of doing our business. This allows us to anticipate possible risks and opportunities, establish policies, actions, tools and monitoring indicators, which are included in the Annual Progress Report. See our latest Annual Progress Report here (link to document). To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es

DAPIN begins the development of its Compliance System

DAPIN begins the development of its Compliance System

The criminal liability of companies was born in Spain under the influence of the European Community, in 2010, when this figure was first introduced in the Spanish Penal Code. In 2015 its legal status is consolidated and the implementation of crime prevention models is planned as a way to exempt or mitigate the criminal liability of companies.

The DESIGN AND PROJECTS INTERNATIONAL CA Management, aware of the convenience of defining and developing an internal management mechanism in accordance with the new demands of our context, has ordered the implementation of a Criminal Compliance Management System in order to carry out the work in accordance with the provisions of the System Procedures, and to assure clients and society in general compliance with the criminal legislation applicable to the organization.

Despite the fact that our activity does not present great risks, we understand that our international operation in the energy sector constitutes a factor that merits attention in this area to guarantee a safe activity for us, our clients, and other related actors, while taking proactive actions. in an increasingly demanding regulatory context at national and international level.

It is expected that in June 2020 the system will be fully implemented, to train our employees in this matter and spread the new corporate practices associated with this system.

To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es

DAPIN celebrates six years of collaboration with UNHCR

DAPIN celebrates six years of collaboration with UNHCR

This year, DAPIN ratifies a new year of engagement with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the UN Refugee Agency. Millions of people need UNHCR’s help to survive and see their rights protected. With more than 65 years of experience, the Agency works in 134 countries to meet the needs of all people who have had to flee due to war, persecution or violation of human rights. UNHCR’s mandate is to provide humanitarian aid and protection to refugees, internally displaced persons, returnees, stateless persons and asylum-seekers around the world. As a UNHCR partner, for the past six years, DAPIN has supported the Emergency Fund so that its ERT (Emergency Response Team) team can evacuate emergencies and attend to the basic needs of refugees, offering them accommodation, nutrition and medical care. , education and legal assistance. The DAPIN Board has a deep sensitivity towards this cause, so we feel this contribution as a duty, a responsibility, but we also feel honored with the privilege of contributing our grain of sand to offer a ray of hope to so many human beings that they suffer such adverse situations. To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es DAPIN registers its headquarters in the United Arab Emirates, DAPIN Middle East (January 2020) Design and Projects International, C.A. It has chosen Abu Dhabi to install its headquarters in the Middle East, which will be operational in 2020 with the aim of gaining momentum in this region. Along with Spain, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Mexico, the United Arab Emirates becomes DAPIN’s fifth geographic axis of expansion. DAPIN aspires to bring its more than 30 years of experience in the Oil & Gas sector and its highly qualified international staff to this new region to offer its entire portfolio of services: engineering (FEED phase), advice for project financing, project management consulting ( PMC), procurement of equipment and construction of hydrocarbon processing infrastructure. Thus, DAPIN Middle East was born, with the entry before the registry in the city of Abu Dhabi and the obtaining of the commercial license issued by the Department of Economic Development and Abu Dhabi Business Center. Together with its local partners, DAPIN has started on-site marketing activities and the application for registration as a supplier to the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC). According to Oswaldo D´León, President of DAPIN, “… the plan is to start providing engineering services to ADNOC and then move on to the Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO) and other large companies in the sector. In a second stage we will move towards other emirates and countries in the region. ” To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es

DAPIN registers its headquarters in the United Arab Emirates, DAPIN Middle East

DAPIN registers its headquarters in the United Arab Emirates, DAPIN Middle East

Design and Projects International, C.A. It has chosen Abu Dhabi to install its headquarters in the Middle East, which will be operational in 2020 with the aim of gaining momentum in this region. Along with Spain, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Mexico, the United Arab Emirates becomes DAPIN’s fifth geographic axis of expansion.

DAPIN aspires to bring its more than 30 years of experience in the Oil & Gas sector and its highly qualified international staff to this new region to offer its entire portfolio of services: engineering (FEED phase), advice for project financing, project management consulting ( PMC), procurement of equipment and construction of hydrocarbon processing infrastructure.

Thus, DAPIN Middle East was born, with the entry before the registry in the city of Abu Dhabi and the obtaining of the commercial license issued by the Department of Economic Development and Abu Dhabi Business Center. Together with its local partners, DAPIN has started on-site marketing activities and the application for registration as a supplier to the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).

According to Oswaldo D´León, President of DAPIN, “… the plan is to start providing engineering services to ADNOC and then move on to the Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO) and other large companies in the sector. In a second stage we will move towards other emirates and countries in the region. ”

To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es

DAPIN maintains its operations uninterrupted during the COVID-19 crisis

DAPIN maintains its operations uninterrupted during the COVID-19 crisis

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, DAPIN has redoubled its efforts by taking all necessary measures to deal with both the health, production and economic aspects of this situation, supplying and organizing the necessary resources for the teleworking of all our personnel and issuing communications and External and internal protocols to guarantee the total operation of all our departments without interruption of our services.

The Management of Design and Projects International conveys its appreciation to all its people for the effort made to maintain activities without prejudice to the production and productivity of normal times, despite the fact that it involves overcoming technical, family problems and those derived from confinement.

To our clients, we inform them that the human team of DAPIN is working with equal or greater commitment, as a way of contributing to ward off the threat to the family, business and nation-wide economies. Telework will continue until the end of the Alert State decreed by the National Executive.

To our workers “I urge you, with the force of honesty and sincerity, to continue your work with the excellence that you have shown so far and which is also characteristic of your professional careers.” Oswaldo D´León.

First quarter of the “Infinite Children” Program of the DAPIN Foundation

First quarter of the “Infinite Children” Program of the DAPIN Foundation

This month we celebrate the first quarter of our “Infinite Children” Program through which we have favored the first 5 children with monthly scholarships equivalent to eight (8) minimum wages, which constitutes a great contribution for families whose income is one salary. minimum per month, or less. With this work, we seek to guarantee basic support for children with great academic potential to help them continue their development.

In this first quarter, we welcomed Fausto Ovispos (9 years old), Kenerth Parima (10 years old), Luis Maita (7 years old), Tommy Vizcaya (8 years old) and Zaireliz Henriquez (10 years old), all of them residents. of the Anzoátegui State, Venezuela.

Along with the collaboration of the excellent Rotary team, this quarter FUNDAPIN has carried out various activities to benefit our children:

February 14th. Dental evaluation of the 5 children in the program by the Rotary companion, Odontologist Zuleima Cova de Curiel. We appreciate your generosity.
26 of February. Pediatric evaluation by the pediatrician Dra. Carmen Diotauti de Marín. Thanks for your big heart.
March 03. Discussion about the values ​​and requirements to keep the FUNDAPIN scholarship, held at the Inmaculada Concepción School with the assistance of the 5 children accompanied by their parents. The activity was led by the clinical psychologist María Gabriela Salazar, in a masterful way who was delighted as the children answer, with a lot of spark
Come with us to save these children, that your company be a “saving company” or yourself, a “savior” or “savior”.

Through a monthly contribution of 50 euros for each child, you will receive your title and the details of the children saved, as well as a direct communication channel with them, if you wish,

To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news and collaborate, write to us at: info@dapin.es
