DAPIN issues its Annual Progress Report on the Global Compact
This year DAPIN celebrates 6 consecutive years as an active signatory member of the Global Compact (PM), the largest global network of companies and organizations oriented to corporate social responsibility that seek to harmonize and channel their management in pursuit of the 17 Development Goals. Sustainable (ODS). Throughout these years of working with the PM team, we have incorporated into our management the preparation of an Annual Progress Report, where we highlight our policies and progress in the area of human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. Although we have always been aware of the role that companies play within society, this experience with the PM has allowed us to have a methodology to formalize our Corporate Social Responsibility policies, as well as to measure and communicate the progress of our performance and contribution to common goals as members of a collective. The methodology for preparing the Progress Report is based on the reporting methodology by stakeholders. Through a multi-stakeholder approach, which encompasses our clients, employees, suppliers, shareholders, management and the community, DAPIN has identified the expectations and potential effects that each group may have as a result of doing our business. This allows us to anticipate possible risks and opportunities, establish policies, actions, tools and monitoring indicators, which are included in the Annual Progress Report. See our latest Annual Progress Report here (link to document). To keep up to date with this and other news from our company, follow us on LinkedIn. If you want to know more about this news, write to us at: info@dapin.es